Custom Polylactic Acid PLA Bags

Our polylactic acid (PLA) bags are an eco-conscious alternative to conventional plastic. Derived from renewable sources like corn starch or sugar cane, PLA is a plant-based thermoplastic monomer offering a sustainable solution.

Crafted as a replacement for traditional plastic bags, our PLA bags are not only derived from organic materials but are also biodegradable and compostable. These qualities make them a fitting choice for various applications in the grocery industry, supporting your commitment to sustainability while providing a reliable and eco-friendly packaging option.

Ideal for retailers, grocery stores, promotional events and eco-conscious brands. Elevate your business with custom eco-friendly shopping bags from Envi Reusable Bags. Get a quote today.

Custom PLA Bags

PLA bags are made from renewable sources like corn starch, provide an eco-conscious, biodegradable alternative to traditional plastic, ideal for retailers and grocery stores.

Why Use Polylactic Acid for Your Bags?

PLA offers a durable, eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics. Biodegradable and versatile, they cater to growing sustainability demands while maintaining functionality and reducing environmental impact.


Derived from renewable sources, such as corn starch or sugar cane, PLA offers a sustainable alternative to traditional plastics, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing environmental impact.

Biodegradable and Compostable

PLA bags break down naturally, contributing to reduced waste and offering an eco-conscious solution that aligns with circular economy principles.


Despite being biodegradable, PLA bags maintain robustness and functionality, ensuring they remain sturdy during use.


PLA's versatility allows for various applications, catering to a wide range of bag needs across different industries and purposes.

Growing Market Demand

With an increasing focus on sustainability, PLA bags meet the rising demand for eco-friendly packaging solutions, appealing to environmentally-conscious consumers and businesses alike.

PLA Fabric

  • Derived from renewable sources like corn starch or sugar cane, PLA fabric offers durability and customization for retail and grocery store bags.

  • Despite being biodegradable, PLA material ensures durability and functionality, ideal for customizable, eco-conscious branding.

Get a Quote

Contact us now to receive a quote tailored specifically for your business's custom PLA bag needs.